Tuesday, October 25, 2005

One Year Bible Readings (with THE ONE YEAR - NEW TESTAMENT)

Several members indicated to me, that reading through the Bible in one year would be a difficult task for them, due to work commitments, and other duties that consumed large blocks of time in their lives. There is a ONE YEAR - NEW TESTAMENT available, which divides up the New Testament into 365 daily readings, with verses from Proverbs, given at the end of each daily reading.

THE ONE YEAR NEW TESTAMENT (by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.)
(ISBN 0-8423-2638-3)

Some women have indicated that they intend to do the Old Testament readings one year, and the New Testament Readings the following year. Some may even take three years, and do the Psalms and Proverbs reading during the third year. There are various reading plans available.

Here is a LINK to reading through the New Testament in a year:


Hope this helps some of you ladies out!!