Probably the best "vaccination shot" against STDs, is for teenagers to read the book:
"Risky Sex" by Dr. Stephen Genuis (obstetrician, gynecologist) (book description)
I had the privilege of listening to Dr. Stephen Genuis speak at a medical conference for nurses and doctors. Through my contacts with Serena Canada(a natural family planning organization), I was invited to attend. It was a shocking, powerful, and hard-hitting presentation!!! He did not mince his words about the horrendous effects of promiscuity, which he had to deal with on a regular basis in his practice. The photo slide-show he put on was gut-wrenching, and powerful. His stories of destroyed lives, and the horrors of the effects of STDs, were shocking!!!. This is "not for the timid"!!! Many individuals do not know what the possible effects of even ONE pre-martial/extra-marital sexual encounter could be!!! The volumes of slides of devastation were "mind-boggling"!!!
You will see Dr. Genuis' name on the "Physicians Council of Canada" for
Focus on the Family:
He is a well-respected speaker and writer, and spokesperson for chastity in
"Focus on the Family". I am thankful to God for the privilege I had to see his
presentation! Yes, the best prevention against STDs is chastity!